South Africa: Industry Outcry as South Africa Imposes 14-Day Prohibition on the Sale and Distribution of Liquor Products

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)   |   SF2021-0041

On June 27, 2021, South Africa re-introduced the prohibition of the sale, dispensing and distribution of liquor products for 14 days due to the recent surge in COVID-19 infections. This is the fourth ban on liquor products since the start of lockdowns in March 2020. The 14-day prohibition will affect domestic sales and imports of liquor products, including United States exports. As a result, this may dampen the recovery and growth of U.S. liquor exports in 2021. Alcohol bans in 2020 contributed to U.S. liquor exports to South Africa falling by 46 percent to US$11.6 million. Some domestic industry associations are now challenging the national government in court due to the desperate state of the liquor industry, which is still trying to recover from the previous three alcohol bans.

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