South Africa: Grain and Feed Update

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)   |   SF2024-0001
Corn production in South Africa is off to a reasonable start in marketing year 2023/24 after decent rainfall was recorded over most of the corn-producing areas. An exception, however, is the North West province, where limited and scattered rainfall during the first part of the rainy season resulted in low soil moisture. The drier conditions will hamper corn production in the province, although the full effect will only become clear over the next few months. The crop on the eastern side of the country is in good condition with sufficient soil moisture after adequate rainfall in the first part of January 2024. Hence, Post’s estimate for South Africa’s corn crop remains unchanged at 15.8 million metric tons for marketing year 2023/24. As a result, South Africa should maintain its status as a net exporter of corn.

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