South Africa: Grain and Feed Update

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)   |   SF2023-0038
After last season’s second-largest corn crop on record and a fourth consecutive bumper corn crop, the positive outlook for the South African grain industry will continue in marketing year 2023/24. As a result, Post forecasts South Africa will maintain a corn area of 2.9 million hectares and, under normal climatic conditions, its status as a net exporter of corn. Consequently, South Africa could export around 3.0 million metric tons of corn in MY 2023/24, while exports in marketing year 2022/23 are expected to reach 4.0 million metric tons. In marketing year 2021/22, South Africa exported 3.7 million metric tons of corn, keeping exports on the same level as in marketing year 2020/21.

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