Senegal: HRI Sector in Dakar - Exploring the Senegalese Palate

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)

Approximately five to ten years ago, mid- and upscale restaurants in Dakar primarily catered to expatriates and tourists. Today, according to contacts, the growing Senegalese middle and upper class constitute the bulk of patrons at these establishments, representing 50 to 70 percent of regular clientele. These consumers are willing to pay a premium for higher quality, more expensive foods. Although the United States has approximately one percent of total global agricultural export market share in Senegal, market opportunities may exist for U.S. exporters and agribusinesses interested in supplying foods and ingredients not currently available in the market to mid-scale or upscale establishments in the Hotel, Restaurant, and Institution (HRI) sector in Dakar.  

Senegal: HRI Sector in Dakar - Exploring the Senegalese Palate

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