Senegal: Cotton and Products Update
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MY2024/25 cotton area harvested for Senegal, Mali, and Burkina Faso is estimated to decrease 17 percent to 981,000 HA. This is mainly due to decreased planted area resulting from a late rainy season in all three countries, as well as civil conflict in Burkina Faso. Senegal imposed stricter finance and credit criteria, reducing the number of farmers willing to produce cotton. MY2024/25 cotton production is estimated at 1.7 million bales, decreasing 18 percent from the previous MY. MY2024/25 exports and stocks are estimated at 1.7 million bales and 212,000 bales, respectively. With the relaunching of the textile industries in all three forementioned countries, MY 2024/25 consumption is expected to increase four percent at 52,000 bales. MY 2023/24 area and cotton production estimates remain at 1.2 million HA and 2.2 million bales, respectively.