Senegal: Cotton and Products Update

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)   |   SG2022-0016

Marketing Year (MY) 2022/23 (August to July) is characterized by high pest infestation of cotton leafhoppers, known commonly as jassids, in Mali, Burkina Faso, and Senegal. Post forecasts the harvested area in all three countries to fall back to the previous year level, 1.33 million hectares (MHA) due to abandoned area caused by this infestation and excess rainfall. Post forecast 2022/23 production to decrease 15 percent to 2.09 million bales due to pest-caused yield decreases. However, Post projects a six percent boost in exports for 2022/23 to 2.30 million bales compared to the previous year. The 2021/22 area and production levels are estimated to increase 80 percent and 91 percent at 1.33 MHA and 2.46 million bales.

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