Charts and Graphs

U.S. Agricultural Trade with Panama

Infographic looking at U.S. agricultural trade with Panama which saw $683 million in agricultural exports from the U.S. in 2018.
Stacked column chart illustrating the growth of U.S. agricultural exports to FTA partners verses a decrease in exports to non-FTA partners.
Stacked column chart illustrating the growth of U.S. agricultural exports to FTA partners verses a decrease in exports to non-FTA partners.
Line graph showing the growth of U.S. agricultural exports and imports in the context of international free trade agreements.
Column chart comparing the change in value of U.S. agricultural exports before and after key trade agreements.
Line graph showing the total U.S. agricultural exports to the northern triangle region of the Central America. Total exports in 2016 equaled $2.2 billion.
Charts and Graphs

U.S. Agricultural Exports to Panama, 2002-2016

LIne graph showing the growth of U.S. ag exports to Panama from 2002-2016. U.S. ag exports to Panama in 2016 reached $670 million.
Infographic showing U.S. agricultural exports to Panama in 2016. Total U.S. agricultural exports reached $670 million.
Charts and Graphs

U.S. Agricultural Exports to Colombia, 2002-2016

Line graphic illustrating the effects of the U.S. - Colombia free trade agreement which went into effect in 2012.
Infographic showing U.S. agricultural exports to Colombia in 2016. Total U.S. agricultural exports reached $2.4 billion.
Bar chart comparing percentage of market share for agricultural exports between Canada, Mexico and the United States.
Stacked column chart illustrating the growth of U.S. agricultural exports to FTA partners vs. a decrease in exports to non-FTA partners.