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Attaché Report (GAIN)

Bolivia: Bolivia Approves the Use of Intacta Soybean

Bolivia announced on October 19 the approval of Intacta, a new biotech soybean variety with insect resistant Bt and glyphosate resistant traits. Intense drought and more unpredictable weather are disrupting Bolivian farmer livelihoods and they see the Intacta approval as one helpful step towards improved crop productivity and environmental resilience.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Bolivia: Soybeans Bolivia Adopts Biotechnology

The Government of Bolivia approved two new genetically engineered events for soybeans in April 2019.
This report summarizes the outcomes of the Biotech Introductory Workshop, which was organized to increase awareness of agricultural biotechnology and ensure science-based regulatory decisions...
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Cambodia: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

This report summarizes the regulatory framework on biosafety and outlines the responsibilities of relevant Cambodian government agencies.