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On November 7, 2024, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) opened a consultation on risk mitigation options for U.S. packaged honey bees as part of their process for updating the risk analysis for importation of U.S. packages.
In 2023, the value of U.S. tall oil exports to Finland and Sweden rose to nearly a quarter of a billion dollars. This is mainly due to a surge of the price of tall oil as the demand as feedstock for the production of advanced biofuels is increasing while the availability is limited.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Canada: Port of Montreal Labor Strike

As of October 31, at 11 A.M., the Longshoremen’s Union, CUPE Local 375, is on unlimited labor strike action at the Port of Montreal’s two Termont terminals (two of the four container terminals at the Port).
Health Canada opened public consultations on proposed compositional requirements for infant foods and foods currently regulated as foods for special dietary use. Interested stakeholders may submit their comments until December 23, 2024.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Canada: Dairy and Products Annual

FAS/Canada projects modest milk production growth in 2025, based on a slight increase in fluid milk consumption, and steady requirements for industrial milk.
Canada has opened a consultation to establish new maximum residue limits (MRLs) for pyridate on certain meat products, pulses, dried shell peas, and dry soybeans.
On July 25, 2024, the Province of British Columbia announced additional temporary supports for B.C. wineries to support production of the 2024 vintage. These supports enable all B.C. wineries to produce a 2024 vintage using imported wine grapes, juice, and unfinished wines to supplement a short domestic wine grape crop.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Finland: Finland Takes Steps to Ease Alcohol Regulations

The Finnish Government wants to reform its alcohol policy to promote fair and open competition. It is therefore proposing that the alcohol monopoly ALKO and Finnish food retailers can sell alcoholic beverages online and deliver to a location indicated by the buyer.
The Province of British Columbia announced additional temporary supports for B.C. wineries on July 25, 2024. B.C. wineries will now be able to produce B.C. wines with imported wine grapes and grape juice for vintage year 2024.
On July 22, 2024, Canada’s Competition Bureau launched consultations to inform the development of industry guidance for new greenwashing provisions under the Competition Act.
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has opened a consultation as part of their modernization of Canadian food quality standards. The consultation on grades and standards for fresh fruits and vegetables (FFV) will run from July 22 to October 20, 2024.
Beginning September 26, 2024, Canada will once again require additional import requirements for U.S. origin romaine lettuce. These temporary requirements will be in effect until December 18, 2024.