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Access to the benefits of modern agricultural biotechnology in the Caribbean Basin remains stifled by the unfinished work of implementing a science-based, risk-management approach to regulate its use.
In the Caribbean region, sales value in the retail grocery sector increased by 3 percent in 2023. This is due in part to the rise in tourism in many markets, which is boosting economic growth. The largest grocery retail markets are Trinidad and Tobago, Guadeloupe, and the Bahamas.
In 2023, French food and agricultural imports from the United States reached $1 billion. While exporting to France can be challenging, there are many opportunities for U.S. suppliers.
As tourists flock back to the Caribbean in larger numbers and island economies regain their footing after being challenged by global inflation, competition, and other headwinds, opportunities for U.S. suppliers are slowly emerging. While hurdles remain present on the horizon, U.S. suppliers are finding resilient Caribbean buyers to be excellent partners on the road to commercial success.
The French food processing industry mobilizes more than 19,000 companies, of which nearly 98 percent are small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). The sector generates $230 billion in annual revenue, and it indirectly contributes to nearly 2 million jobs in France.
While France has no commercial production or field trials of genetically engineered (GE) crops, the French livestock industry depends on imported GE feed, especially soybeans, rapeseed, and corn. The French scientific community and many farmers are...
In 2023, French food and agricultural imports from the United States reached $1 billion. While exporting to France can be challenging, there are many opportunities for U.S. suppliers.
Demand for U.S. consumer-oriented products in the Caribbean region reached $1.5 billion in 2022, a 26 percent gain compared to the previous year.
As a member of the European Union, France implements EU regulations for the import of animal and plant products.
France, as a member of the European Union (EU), generally follows EU directives, regulations, and obligations.
Over a dozen Caribbean countries are Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety. With an aim toward meeting their obligations under this agreement, many have been working toward establishing their National Biosafety Frameworks for many years.
France is the world’s leading tourist destinations. Revenues are returning to pre-covid standards since France earned 58 billion in 2022 thanks to foreign tourism.