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Attaché Report (GAIN)

France: Exporter Guide Annual

In 2023, French food and agricultural imports from the United States reached $1 billion. While exporting to France can be challenging, there are many opportunities for U.S. suppliers.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

France: Exporter Guide

In 2023, French food and agricultural imports from the United States reached $1 billion. While exporting to France can be challenging, there are many opportunities for U.S. suppliers.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

France: FAIRS Export Certificate Report Annual

As a member of the European Union, France implements EU regulations for the import of animal and plant products.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

France: FAIRS Annual Country Report

France, as a member of the European Union (EU), generally follows EU directives, regulations, and obligations.
As a member of the European Union, France implements EU regulations for the import of animal and plant products. The US export certification requirements for most products are harmonized at the EU level; however, a few products, which are not yet harmonized across the EU, are still subject to French national regulations.
France, as a member of the European Union (EU), generally follows EU directives, regulations, and obligations. This report focuses on food laws in force in France that cover areas which are not EU harmonized. EU regulations are explained in the Food...
Attaché Report (GAIN)

France: Exporter Guide

In 2020, French food and agricultural imports from the United States reached $1.32 billion. While exporting to France is complicated, there are many opportunities for U.S. suppliers.
France as a member of the European Community has implemented EU regulations for the import of animal and plant products.
France, as a member of the European Union (EU), generally follows EU directives, regulations, and obligations. This report focuses on food laws in force in France that cover areas which are not EU harmonized.
Recent French decrees set specific targets for reducing single-use plastic package waste by 2025, including a mandate for reusing packaging, starting 1 January 2022. The decrees are based on the Circular Economy and Fight Against Waste Law which ultimately seeks to ban all plastic packaging by 2040.
Eager to put the COVID-19 pandemic behind it, the Caribbean is doing all it can to attract visitors and kick-start its tourism sector in 2021.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

France: Exporter Guide

France imported $1.38 billion of food and agricultural products from the United States in 2019.