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Attaché Report (GAIN)

Germany: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

Genetically-engineered (GE) products are highly politicized in Germany. As the EU takes gradual steps towards potentially liberalizing NGTs, German public debate is beginning to shift from a general rejection of GE towards discussion regarding possible liberalization of New Genomic Techniques (NGTs).
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Bolivia: Bolivia Approves the Use of Intacta Soybean

Bolivia announced on October 19 the approval of Intacta, a new biotech soybean variety with insect resistant Bt and glyphosate resistant traits. Intense drought and more unpredictable weather are disrupting Bolivian farmer livelihoods and they see the Intacta approval as one helpful step towards improved crop productivity and environmental resilience.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Burma: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

This report described Burma’s current production, regulations and trade for genetically engineered products, as well as recent activities focused on agricultural biotechnology. Burma’s (also called Myanmar) National Biosafety Framework and Biosafety Guidelines have been pending approval by the Ministry of Agriculture since before the 2021 coup.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Germany: Retail Foods Annual

Germany is the largest market for food and beverages in the European Union importing USD 69 billion worth of consumer-oriented agricultural products in 2023. The food retail sector is saturated, highly consolidated, and competitive.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Burma: How FAS Surveys Crops in Burma

FAS Agricultural Specialist in Burma conducts crop surveys to prepare the Burma Grain and Feed reports and updates on the agricultural situation. This report describes how the FAS Agricultural Specialist performs crop surveys in Burma despite...
On August 7-9, 2024, the World Apple and Pear Association (WAPA) presented the 2024 EU apple and pear crop forecast at the 49th edition of the Prognosfruit convention. WAPA forecasts the 2024 EU fresh apple crop at 10.2 million metric tons (MT), 11.2 percent below the 2023 harvest.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Burma: Exporter Guide Annual

This guide serves as a resource for U.S. companies seeking to initiate or increase exports of U.S. consumer-oriented products to Burma. It provides an overview of the market potential, practical tips and information on local business practices, consumer preferences, trends, food standards and regulations, import procedures, entry approaches for the three major market sectors including food retail, food service, and food processing, and useful contacts.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Germany: Overview on the German Cherry Sector - 2024

Unlike the many smaller trade shows in Nigeria, Food and Beverage (FAB) West Africa 2024 stood out as a well-attended, well-organized, and diverse trade show featuring snack and processed foods, confectionery products, beverages, food ingredients, dairy products, grains, seafood, and food service equipment.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Burma: FAIRS Export Certificate Report Annual

This report lists the major certificates required by the Burmese government agencies for U.S agricultural products exported to Burma. The list of certificates primarily focuses on major U.S agricultural exports to Burma, such as soybeans and soybean...
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Burma: FAIRS Country Report Annual

This report reflects some changes from the June 2023 report, including Food Additives Regulations Section IV, Pesticides and Contaminants Section V, Other Requirements, Regulations and Registration Measures Section VI, Other Specific Standard Section VII and Import Procedures Section IX.
The Burmese military regime is intervening in the rice market to control higher prices. The regime detained dozens of domestic and foreign rice merchants and representatives from supermarkets and has pledged to prosecute traders who were selling rice...
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Germany: Exporter Guide Annual

Germany has more than 84 million of the world’s wealthiest consumers and is by far the biggest market in the European Union. The German market offers good opportunities for U.S. exporters of consumer-oriented agricultural products.