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Attaché Report (GAIN)

Ghana: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

FAS Accra observes Ghana making appreciable advancements in the field of plant biotechnology (biotech). The country is expanding its agricultural biotech crops developmental and production capabilities.
Ghana continues to demonstrate its conviction that proven science-based advanced technologies remain viable options in the global efforts to achieve food security in the face of various production constraints like climate change.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Ghana: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

Ghana’s National Biosafety Authority (NBA) on Friday September 15, 2023, approved the Bt cowpea event 245F (Cry2Ab) for environmental release.
This report assesses the agricultural biotechnology sector in Belgium for plants, animals, and microorganisms. Belgium's stance on agricultural biotechnology differs between the regions of Wallonia and Flanders, with the latter being more receptive.
The European Commission requested a scientific opinion from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) on microorganisms produced by new developments in biotechnology.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Ghana: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

Ghana’s National Biosafety Authority has eventually given the green light for the environmental release and placement on the market of the pod borer resistant (PBR) or Bt. Cowpea.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Ghana: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

Though momentum towards environmental release of the Bt cowpea seems to have slowed down, approval remains inevitable. Dossier on Nitrogen Use Efficient (NUE) rice is ready for submission.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Belgium: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

Public support for agricultural biotechnology in Belgium is roughly divided between the Wallonia and Flemish regions with the latter more receptive.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Ghana: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

Submission of the application for environmental release of Ghana’s first genetically engineered (GE) product, Bt cowpea, to the National Biosafety Authority (NBA) for approval is still pending...
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Ghana: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

The application for commercial release of Ghana’s first genetically engineered (GE) product - Bt cowpea is now ready to be submitted to the National Biosafety Authority (NBA) for approval....
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Ghana: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

Despite not meeting the reviewed target of commercializing its first genetically engineered (GE) product (Bt cowpea) a year ahead of schedule in 2018, Ghana remains poised to achieve this goal....
On July 25, 2018, the Court of Justice of the European Union issued its judgment that organisms created through many newer genome editing techniques are to be regulated....