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This report supplements GAIN report IS2-24-0020: Israel Adopts Additional European Union Standards for Agricultural Imports and includes translations of the documents from Hebrew to English referenced in the report.
On August 4, 2024, the Government of Israel published the “Tenth Amendment to the Protection of Public Health (Food) – 2015” legislation under the Food Reform Law, which adopted more than 40 new food directives and regulations aligning with European Union standards.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Israel: Exporter Guide

The Exporter Guide provides an economic and market overview, as well as demographic trends and practical tips for U.S. exporters on how to conduct business in Israel.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Israel: FAIRS Export Certificate Report Annual

This report lists and describes certificates and other documentation required by the Government of Israel for U.S. exporters exporting food and agricultural products to Israel.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Israel: FAIRS Country Report Annual

The Government of Israel is in the process of a legislation reform across multiple ministries, including reforms related to food. If the reforms are passed in the Israeli parliament, the reform will continue to adopt numerous European Union food standards with some exclusions.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Israel: Exporter Guide

The exporter guide provides an economic and market overview, as well as demographic trends and practical tips for U.S. exporters on how to conduct business in Israel.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Israel: Food Service - Hotel Restaurant Institutional

In 2022, the Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional (HRI) sector experienced new difficulties with high inflation rates, a lack of employees seeking more lucrative jobs, and price increases for raw materials, energy, labor and rent, which drove...
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Israel: FAIRS Export Certificate Report Annual

This report lists and describes certificates that should accompany food and agricultural products to Israel.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Israel: FAIRS Annual Country Report

Israel amended its Public Health Protection Act (Food) to reduce regulatory burdens on food importation.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Israel: Exporter Guide

Israel is an advanced, market-oriented economy. However, its limited land and water resources preclude agricultural self-sufficiency, which affects local production costs and consumer prices.
• Israel passes amendments to the Public Health Protection Act (Food) to ease and reduce the regulatory burden on food importation. Among the amendments is an importation track called the “European Track” which will come into force on January 1, 2023. • New temporary provision easing the importation of certain sensitive foods, “Public Health Protection Act Food (Certificate of Release for Certain Sensitive Foods) (Temporary Provision)- 2022.” • Cancellation of the additional requirements for importing and releasing food products imported without direct contact with the manufacturer.
The report lists and describes certificates that should accompany food and agricultural products to Israel. It also includes the purpose of each certificate and the governmental agency responsible. In general, an original invoice, bill of lading, packing list, weighing list, health certificate, batch number certificate, invoice declaration, and insurance certificate are required to accompany any shipment. An export certificate matrix is included in this report.