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This document provides an overview of major Mexican agricultural and food-product laws and regulations, as well as related import standards and regulations.
The competent Mexican authorities which regulate food and agricultural imports and/or require official U.S. export certificates include the Secretariat of Agriculture (SADER), Secretariat of Health (SALUD), Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT), and the Secretariat of the Treasury and Public Credit (HACIENDA) No significant changes occurred vis-à-vis Mexican import standards and regulations in 2023.
This guide serves as a resource for U.S. companies seeking to initiate or increase exports of U.S. consumer-oriented products to Burma. It provides an overview of the market potential, practical tips and information on local business practices, consumer preferences, trends, food standards and regulations, import procedures, entry approaches for the three major market sectors including food retail, food service, and food processing, and useful contacts.
This report lists the major certificates required by the Burmese government agencies for U.S agricultural products exported to Burma. The list of certificates primarily focuses on major U.S agricultural exports to Burma, such as soybeans and soybean...
This report reflects some changes from the June 2023 report, including Food Additives Regulations Section IV, Pesticides and Contaminants Section V, Other Requirements, Regulations and Registration Measures Section VI, Other Specific Standard Section VII and Import Procedures Section IX.
Mexico was the second largest export market for U.S. agricultural products in 2023, with total U.S. exports valued at $28.6 billion. Mexico’s gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 3.2 percent in 2023, making its economy the 12th largest globally.
On May 21, 2024, the Government of Mexico published a modification to the Federal Law of Animal Health. The update strengthens the penalties for non-compliance with the law and lists substances banned for use in livestock intended for human consumption.
This guide serves as a resource for U.S. companies seeking to initiate or increase exports of U.S. consumer-oriented products to Burma.
Mexico was the third largest agricultural export market for U.S. exporters in 2022, with total agricultural exports valued at nearly $28.5 billion. Mexico’s economy grew by 3.1 percent in 2022, returning to near pre-pandemic levels.
This document provides an overview of major Mexican agricultural and food-product laws and regulations, as well as related import standards and regulations. Some products may be subject to regulatory oversight by several different Government of...
The competent Mexican authorities which regulate food and agricultural imports and/or require official U.S. export certificates include the Secretariat of Agriculture (SADER), Secretariat of Health (SALUD), Ministry of Environment and Natural...
On October 1, 2023, Phase II of Mexico’s Norma Oficial Mexicana (NOM)-051, front-of-pack labeling entered into force.