Attaché Report (GAIN)

China: Climate Reports Highlight Agriculture

On December 29, 2023, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) submitted two major reports related to climate change to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC): the Fourth National Communication on Climate Change (NC4) and the Third Biennial Update Report on Climate Change (BUR3).
Attaché Report (GAIN)

China: Agricultural Climate Goals and Policy Overview

China is the world’s largest livestock and rice producer, as well as a major user and producer of fertilizer, making its agricultural sector a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions.
To promote a greater dialogue with the People's Republic of China (PRC) on issues related to climate, the FAS offices in China launched “Agriculture for a Better Future,” a series of social media posts on U.S. Mission to China social media platforms.
China’s first National Plan to Adapt to Climate Change was issued in 2007 and was followed by a series of policy and strategy documents to manage the challenges caused by climate change...