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In January 2024, Nigeria became the second country in Africa to approve the commercial release of four biotech (TELA) maize varieties.
Kazakhstan has not announced any changes to its biotechnology policies. Major challenges like climate change, variable weather, monocropping wheat, and the reliance on Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) member biotechnology regulations could be a future catalyst for Kazakhstan to develop its own biotechnology law.
After the 2023 outbreak of bluetongue disease in Europe, the bluetongue virus (BTV-3) has now spread to three Nordic countries. Denmark encountered the first case of bluetongue disease on August 9, Norway on September 6, and Sweden on September 12.
Kazakh farmers are finishing harvest, having dealt with rains in early September and cold night temperatures in October that reduced overall quality but only marginally affected quantity.
The Norwegian Exporter Guide gives an overview for prospective U.S. exporters who would like to get acquainted with the Norwegian food retail and export market.
Nigeria is one of Africa's largest retail consumer markets, however in 2023-2024, difficult economic conditions and changing government policies have taken a bite out of the country's food retail prospects. This report provides an overview of Nigeria’s retail sector, including market entry strategies, structure, distribution channels, and best export prospects.
Imports of wheat, rice, and corn in marketing year (MY) 2024/25 are estimated to increase as the economy stabilizes, inflation decreases, and the government implements a temporary zero-duty import policy for the afore-mentioned commodities until December 31.
Biblical rain in Kazakhstan’s major growing regions has cut wheat and barley production, reducing its quantity and quality.
Central Asia is a diverse, important corner of the world and a growing market for U.S. goods. Agricultural imports from the world for Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, and Uzbekistan totaled $11.6 billion in 2023 and have nearly doubled over the last three years, with the United States as the 11th largest trade partner at $196 million.
Kazakhstan is expected to have a bumper crop following last year’s troubled production. After heavy rains and flooding in May 2024 delayed planting, Kazakhstan’s primary growing regions have had near perfect weather, greatly raising the outlook for the upcoming fall harvest.
On August 14, Nigeria’s Customs Service publicly released implementation guidelines that temporarily waives all import (and associated levy) taxes for rice, sorghum, millet, corn, wheat, and beans until December 31, 2024. This policy was announced in mid-July by the Minister of Agriculture to “to ameliorate food inflation in the country.”
Unlike the many smaller trade shows in Nigeria, Food and Beverage (FAB) West Africa 2024 stood out as a well-attended, well-organized, and diverse trade show featuring snack and processed foods, confectionery products, beverages, food ingredients, dairy products, grains, seafood, and food service equipment.