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On May 5, 2022, trade and finance ministers from East African Community (EAC) member countries agreed to raise minimum common external tariffs from 25 to 35 percent on several agricultural products.
This report confirms the dropping of dioxin free certificate requirements for U.S. exports of dairy and dairy products to the Sultanate of Oman. For years, Oman required importers to provide a dioxin free certificate from the country of origin for dairy and dairy products, delaying entry and often requiring testing at destination.
Overall U.S. agricultural and related product exports to the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Qatar, and Kuwait (GCC-4) are higher by 3 percent from January to March 2021 compared to the same time last year.
International Agricultural Trade Report

Opportunities for U.S. Snacks & Sweets in the GCC Region

The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) is a regional political and economic treaty organization comprised of the Arabian Gulf nations of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE.
International Agricultural Trade Report

Free Trade Agreements and U.S. Agriculture

Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) help expand foreign markets for U.S. producers and exporters by reducing trade barriers, fostering a more stable and transparent environment for trade and investment...
International Agricultural Trade Report

A Review of U.S. Tariff Rate Quotas for Beef Imports

The United States is the world’s largest producer of beef but it also imports more beef than any other country.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Cuba: FAIRS Country Report

As required by U.S. statute, the United States maintains a trade embargo with Cuba. However, agricultural commodities are exempt provided that export transactions meet certain legal criteria.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Cuba: Internet Resources for Agricultural Trade with Cuba

Looking for trade and economic data, trade regulations, service providers, or general background information on Cuba?
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Cuba: Where to Next for Cuban Food and Agriculture

In December 2014 the United States embarked on a new diplomatic journey with Cuba, in the process rejuvenating U.S. agriculture’s interest in our southern neighbor.
International Agricultural Trade Report

U.S. Agricultural Exports to Cuba Have Substantial Room for Growth

Since the Trade Sanctions Reform and Export Enhancement Act (TSRA) was implemented in 2000, the United States has exported nearly $5 billion worth of agricultural products to Cuba.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Cuba: Food and Agricultural Import Relations and Standards

U.S. suppliers willing to navigate a detailed set of U.S. regulatory controls related to exporting to Cuba will find that the island is fairly receptive to U.S. products.