Attaché Report (GAIN)

Philippines: FAS Programs Grow Dried Fruit and Nut Business

A Philippine importer grew their business from two U.S. products (almonds and raisins) and two customers in 1995 to almost 30 products of dried fruits and nuts, and dehydrated potatoes....
Davao City is a rapidly growing market in the southern Philippine island of Mindanao. As Manila reaches the limits of its growth, markets like Davao and Cebu are expected to become the drivers....
In a first-time cooperative marketing effort with the U.S. Commercial Service–Manila, the Foreign Agricultural Service in Manila organized a combination trade show/reception with key decision...
FAS Manila partnered with numerous U.S. organizations and local importers in featuring U.S. gourmet food and beverage products at the “From the Land of the Free to the Pearl of the Orient” festival.
FAS Manila teamed up with the U.S. Meat Export Federation, U.S. exporters, local importers and guest chef Pete Geoghegan to showcase U.S. fine food and beverage products....
FAS Lima participated in Bolivia’s EXPOCRUZ 2014, hosting a business seminar for 34 food importers/distributors and joining the huge dairy cow auction.