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The Government of Tanzania continues to implement strict liability requirements on the commercialization of genetically engineered products, as outlined in the 2009 Biosafety Regulations. There are no genetically engineered products imported or commercialized in Tanzania. However, applied biotechnology is used for medicine and public health.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Togo: FAIRS Country Report Annual

This report marks the first annual update on Togo’s food and feed regulations, detailing the government regulatory bodies and enforcement mechanisms. It provides comprehensive information and guidance on import requirements, procedures, and documentation necessary for compliance.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Tanzania: Coffee Annual

Post forecasts Tanzania’s coffee production at 1.5 million bags (60-kilogram) in the marketing year (MY) 2024/25, up from 1.4 million bags in MY 2023/24, due to increased production from recently rehabilitated plantations.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Tanzania: Grain and Feed Annual

FAS Dar es Salaam anticipates corn production will decline 6 percent in marketing year (MY) 2024/25 as farmers switch to alternative crops due to low corn prices. MY 2024/25 wheat imports are anticipated to reach 1.3 million metric tons (MT) as rising incomes and growth in the tourism and hospitality sectors increase demand for wheat products.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Togo: Togo's ban on poultry imports

The Togolese government has temporarily banned poultry imports due to high quantities of unsold local chicken on the market.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Tanzania: FAIRS Export Certificate Report Annual

This report complements the FAIRS Annual Country Report for Tanzania and provides information on required certificates for exporting food and agricultural products to the Tanzania mainland.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Tanzania: FAIRS Annual Country Report

This report describes the import requirements and regulations for food and agricultural commodities required by mainland Tanzania. The report outlines Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS) rules and other regulations for U.S. exports.
There are currently no genetically engineered (GE) products traded or commercialized in Tanzania due to the strict liability clause in the Biosafety Regulations of 2009. In September 2022, Tanzania’s Ministry of Agriculture reversed a 2021 ban on all...
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Tanzania: Coffee Annual

MY 2023/24 coffee production is forecast to increase 21 percent to 1.35 million bags due to a recovery from drought conditions and trees entering the most productive period of their three-year yield cycle.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Togo: Exporter Guide

Togo’s economic growth is expected to grow after a sharp decline to annual real GDP in 2020 due to the COVID – 19 pandemic.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Tanzania: Grain and Feed Annual

MY 2023/24 corn production is anticipated to increase roughly 3 percent to 6.1 million metric tons (MT) as more farmers switch to corn production in response to high prices. Post anticipates production will remain below historical levels due to high fertilizer prices and fall army worm outbreaks.
This report describes the import requirements and regulations for food and agricultural products required by the Government of Tanzania (GoT). The report outlines Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS) rules and other regulations for U.S exports to Tanzania.