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Attaché Report (GAIN)

South Africa: Market Opens for United States Corn

Import permits for genetically engineered (GE) corn from the United States are once again issued by South Africa. After a mid-summer drought that caused a 22 percent drop in production, South Africa needs to import corn to supplement domestic production.
On July 26, 2016, Côte d’Ivoire enacted its national Biosafety Law No. 2016-553. This law establishes the groundwork for managing genetically engineered (GE) products.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

South Africa: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

Post received confirmation on United States genetically engineered (GE) soybean eligibility to enter South Africa. After a mid-summer drought, South Africa needs corn and soybean imports to complement local production. South Africa allows for the importation of synchronized GE event approvals from an exporting country.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

South Africa: Fresh Deciduous Fruit Annual

The production of apples, pears and table grapes is forecast to improve in MY 2024/25 from MY 2023/24 based on the cold, wet winter of 2024 and new trees coming into production.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

United Arab Emirates: FAIRS Country Report Annual

This report covers food and agricultural import regulations and standards in the United Arab Emirates. U.S. agricultural suppliers are advised to consult with local importers prior to shipping to verify application of these requirements on their products.
This report identifies certificate requirements for U.S. food and agricultural products destined for the United Arab Emirates. This report is to be used in conjunction with the 2024 Food and Agricultural Import Regulations and Standards Country Report for the United Arab Emirates.
Wine grape production in 2025 is forecast to improve by five percent on favorable winter conditions, which will translate into a slight increase in wine production.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

South Africa: Grain and Feed Update

The lower corn crop in marketing year 2023/24, coupled with strong regional demand, especially for white corn, has prompted higher prices in Southern Africa.
Côte d'Ivoire's wine market is a growing, and set to further expand thanks to the takeoff of a modern and internationally well connected middle class. At the same time, urbanization is expanding alongside a dynamic retail market offering U.S. wines a potentially attractive export destination.
Porcine semen is now eligible to be exported to South Africa from the United States.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

South Africa: Retail Foods Annual

The five biggest corporations, Shoprite Holdings Ltd., Pick n Pay Retailers Pty Ltd., Spar Group Ltd., Walmart-owned Massmart, and Woolworths Holdings Ltd., account for a substantial portion of the retail food market in South Africa. When combined, they make up over 60% of all retail food sales.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

South Africa: Market Opens for United States Soybeans

Soybeans from the United States are once again eligible to enter South Africa. After a mid-summer drought that caused a 35 percent drop in production, South Africa needs to import soybeans to supplement domestic production and maintain crushing demand.