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The Government of Tanzania continues to implement strict liability requirements on the commercialization of genetically engineered products, as outlined in the 2009 Biosafety Regulations. There are no genetically engineered products imported or commercialized in Tanzania. However, applied biotechnology is used for medicine and public health.
There are currently no genetically engineered (GE) products traded or commercialized in Tanzania due to the strict liability clause in the Biosafety Regulations of 2009. In September 2022, Tanzania’s Ministry of Agriculture reversed a 2021 ban on all...
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Vietnam: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

This report provides updated information about the adoption of agricultural biotechnology in Vietnam. In the first six months of 2023, Vietnam approved six outstanding biotech corn hybrids for cultivation after the country suspended its appraisal process since 2017.
This report provides an unofficial translation of Vietnam’s Prime Minister Decision 300/QD-TTg dated March 28, 2023, to approve the National Action Plan on Food Systems Transformation toward Transparency, Responsibility and Sustainability in Vietnam by 2030.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Vietnam: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

This report provides updated information about the adoption of agricultural biotechnology in Vietnam. Since approving all outstanding applications for food and feed use in August 2021, Vietnam has not resumed its regulatory process for acknowledging and reviewing new applications.
In September 2022, Tanzania’s Ministry of Agriculture directed the Tanzania Agriculture Research Institute (TARI) to identify a research station for trials of genetically engineered (GE) crops. This decision appears to reverse the Government of Tanzania’s (GoT) 2021 ban on all GE crop research trials.
This report provides an unofficial translation of Vietnam’s Prime Minister Decision 896 dated July 26, 2022, to approve the National Strategy on Climate Change by 2050 and the Decision 942 dated August 5, 2022, to approve the Action Plan on Methane Emissions Reduction by 2030.
This report provides an unofficial translation of Vietnam’s Prime Minister Decision 150/QD-TTg dated January 28, 2022, to approve the National Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development Strategy 2021-2030, vision to 2050.
The Government of Tanzania (GoT) uses a conservative, precautionary approach to manage genetically engineered (GE) products.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Vietnam: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

In 2021, Vietnam completed its approvals for the outstanding product applications for food and feed import. Vietnam continues to benefit from biotech corn as a sustainable tool in the fight against fall army worm (FAW) and increased the production area to more than one hundred thousand hectares (ha) in 2020/2021.
This report provides an unofficial translation of Vietnam’s Prime Minister Decision 1658/QD-TTg dated October 1, 2021, to approve the National Green Growth Strategy 2021-2030, vision to 2050.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Vietnam: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

As of October 2020, Vietnam has issued 45 Certificates of Food/Feed Approval for genetically engineered (GE) products for corn, soybeans, canola, sugar beets, alfalfa, and cotton.