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This report outlines specific requirements for food and agricultural product imports into Austria. As a member of the European Union, Austria follows EU directives and regulations. U.S. food and agricultural suppliers to Austria should verify with local importers and appropriate U.S. regulatory agencies for the most current local requirements prior to shipping.
Austria, as a member of the European Union (EU), applies EU regulations to the imports of agricultural products. U.S. export certification requirements for most products destined for the EU are harmonized.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Australia: Citrus Annual

Orange production is expected to decline in Australia in marketing year (MY) 2022/23 to 505,000 metric tons (MT) from an estimated 535,000 MT in MY 2021/22. However, exports are forecast to rise to 180,000 MT from an estimated 145,000 MT in MY 2021/22, due to an anticipated substantial improvement in fruit quality.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Australia: Biofuels Annual

Ethanol consumption in Australia is forecast to remain stable in 2022 at only 1.1 percent of the gasoline pool, and biodiesel is forecast to increase moderately from very low levels but remain at less than 0.1 percent of the total diesel pool. Australia has very large feedstock (grains and molasses) supplies for bioethanol as well as robust supplies of feedstock (canola, tallow and used cooked oil) for biodiesel production.