Attaché Report (GAIN)

Canada: Canada Implements a Federal Plastics Registry

On April 22, 2024, Canada announced the implementation of a Federal Plastic Registry to monitor the types and volumes of plastic products, including plastic packaging used in agriculture and food manufacturing, through their life cycle on the Canadian market.
On April 17, 2024, the Government of Mexico published a law in the Official Gazette to establish mandatory warning labeling for products containing genetically engineered ingredients and to enshrine socioeconomic considerations into national food policy.
Brazil, a BRICS emerging economy, is the world’s sixth-largest greenhouse gas (GHG) emitter. Change in land use and forests (including deforestation and wildfires) is the main source of GHGs in Brazil, followed closely by agricultural production.
On September 13 & 14, the European Union Parliament adopted its negotiating positions on Deforestation-Free Supply Chains regulations and revisions to the Renewable Energy Directive. The two files will now enter trilogue negotiations, where the Council, Parliament, and Commission will work to reach a compromise text.
On each third Tuesday of September, the Dutch King’s speech is held prior to the opening of the parliamentary year. In his speech, King Willem-Alexander mentioned circular agriculture as option to tackle the Dutch nitrogen problem.
This report provides an unofficial translation of Vietnam’s Prime Minister Decision 896 dated July 26, 2022, to approve the National Strategy on Climate Change by 2050 and the Decision 942 dated August 5, 2022, to approve the Action Plan on Methane Emissions Reduction by 2030.