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France, as a member of the European Union (EU), generally follows EU directives, regulations, and obligations. This report focuses on food laws in force in France that cover areas which are not EU harmonized. EU regulations are explained in the Food...
Attaché Report (GAIN)

France: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

The French livestock industry depends on imported genetically engineered (GE) feed, especially soybean, rapeseed, and corn. However, France has no commercial production or field trials of GE crops. While most French scientists and farmers are generally supportive of biotechnology, consumer attitudes toward GE are primarily negative.
On January 24, 2022 the French State Council provisionally overruled the December 2021 ministerial order banning the sale of raw CBD hemp flowers and leaves. The court noted that the flowers and leaves of cannabis sativa L. with a THC content of less than 0.3 percent were “devoid of narcotic properties” and could therefore be marketed in France.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Israel: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

As of September 2022, Israel does not have a policy restricting the use of imported genetically engineered (GE) commodities or derivative products. There are no changes in Israel’s policy towards plant, animal biotechnology, and microbial biotechnology compared to 2021.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Israel: Food Service - Hotel Restaurant Institutional

The impact of the COVID-19 on the Israeli hotel, restaurant, and institutional (HRI) sector was nothing short of devastating. According to the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics, accommodation and foodservice activities declined by forty percent in 2020. The sector started to recover during 2021, and it is expected to recover, with a return to pre-COVID-19 sales by 2023.
• Israel passes amendments to the Public Health Protection Act (Food) to ease and reduce the regulatory burden on food importation. Among the amendments is an importation track called the “European Track” which will come into force on January 1, 2023. • New temporary provision easing the importation of certain sensitive foods, “Public Health Protection Act Food (Certificate of Release for Certain Sensitive Foods) (Temporary Provision)- 2022.” • Cancellation of the additional requirements for importing and releasing food products imported without direct contact with the manufacturer.
The report lists and describes certificates that should accompany food and agricultural products to Israel. It also includes the purpose of each certificate and the governmental agency responsible. In general, an original invoice, bill of lading, packing list, weighing list, health certificate, batch number certificate, invoice declaration, and insurance certificate are required to accompany any shipment. An export certificate matrix is included in this report.
In June 2022, Israel authorized the import of U.S. processed meat products, thus making the United States the first and only country with market access for processed meat products in Israel.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Israel: Heavy Metals Limits in Foodstuffs

To assist U.S. exporters, FAS Tel Aviv has translated Israel’s limits on heavy metals in foodstuffs.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Israel: Retail Foods

Israel is a net importer of all major categories of food products. The United States is the top leading supplier of imported consumer-oriented agricultural products to Israel with a total of $384 million in 2020. The Israel food retail sector was estimated at $12.8 billion in 2021.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

France: Food Processing Ingredients

The French food processing sector encompasses approximately 15,500 companies ranging from small family-owned businesses to some of the world’s largest multinationals. Widely regarded for global leadership in innovative technology, quality and marketing, French food processing companies provide employment to more than 433,000 people, generating $53 billion in export sales.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

France: Exporter Guide

In 2020, French food and agricultural imports from the United States reached $1.32 billion. While exporting to France is complicated, there are many opportunities for U.S. suppliers.