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The Canadian Food Inspection Agency published the finalized guidance document clarifying their position on novelty declarations and pre-market assessments for livestock feeds derived from crops developed through gene-editing.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Canada: Grain and Feed Annual

FAS/Ottawa forecasts more hectares of barley and durum wheat, and fewer hectares of corn, oats, and spring wheat planted in 2021.
Long-awaited details on compensation for trade agreement market access concessions include an on-farm investment program for poultry and egg farmers as well as a domestic market development program for the turkey and chicken sectors.
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency recently revised requirements for heat-treated and raw/minimally heat-treated pet food imported from the United States.
On March 31, 2021, the Pest Management Regulatory Agency of Canada published two special review decisions regarding the risks to aquatic insects from two neonicotinoid pesticides: clothianidin and thiamethoxam
Trade Yearbook

2020 Agricultural Export Yearbook

The 2020 U.S. Agricultural Export Yearbook provides a statistical summary of U.S. agricultural commodity exports to the world. This summary lists only the United States’ primary trading partners.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Canada: Food Processing Ingredients

Despite the challenges COVID-19 posed to the Canadian food and beverage processing sector, it remained one of the largest manufacturing sectors, contributing more than $91 billion in sales in 2020 (up four percent from 2019).
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Canada: Food Processing Ingredients

Despite the challenges COVID-19 posed to the Canadian food and beverage processing sector, it remained one of the largest manufacturing sectors, contributing more than $91 billion in sales in 2020...
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency recently announced upcoming import condition changes for heat-treated and raw/minimally heat-treated pet food imported from the United States.