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Following three consecutive seasons of tight supply, favorable fall and winter conditions have been followed by abundant spring precipitation across Spain, with the notable exception of the eastern part of the country.
Early spring precipitations in Andalucía came as a relief, refilling water reservoirs. However, this allowed for only a marginal recovery in area planted to cotton, as rains arrived when planting plans were already in place and largely oriented to less water-demanding crops such as winter grains or early spring-planted sunflower.
The lack of alternative crops keeps Spanish cotton area highly inelastic. Despite good price expectations, tight water supplies in the Guadalquivir river basin and lower cotton specific payments may prevent Spanish cotton acreage from expanding...
In 2020, Spanish dairy industry sector continued to increase milk production and efficiency despite the COVID-19 pandemic and lower dairy consumption due to the closure of the hospitality sector. Conversely, Spanish household dairy consumption rose...
One year after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, Spanish consumers continue to adjust many aspects of their lives including the way they shop for food.
Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, in 2020, the Spanish meat sector overcame initial disruptions and worked at normal capacity to satisfy domestic and export demand.
In 2020, the United States exported $1.6 billion worth of agricultural, seafood and forest products to Spain.
The lack of alternative crops keeps Spanish cotton area highly inelastic.