Attaché Report (GAIN)

Morocco: Grain and Feed Update

The Government of Morocco has released its final wheat and barley production numbers for the 2020 crop, including 1.77 MMT of common wheat, 0.79 MMT of durum wheat, and 0.64 MMT of barley.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Algeria: Grain and Feed Update

The Algerian Ministry of Agriculture has not released any figures regarding the MY2020/21 grain production.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Saudi Arabia: Food Processing Ingredients

Saudi Arabia is home to a growing food manufacturing and processing sector which benefits from population and income growth, life-style changes, state support, and favorable trade agreements.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Philippines: Food Service - Hotel Restaurant Institutional

While the Philippine food service sector was set to grow eight-plus percent in 2020 to $16 billion, COVID-19 related measures have reduced prospects to less than $7 billion.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Egypt: Food Service - Hotel Restaurant Institutional

Egypt’s Hotel-Restaurant-Institutional (HRI) sector in 2019 generated $13 billion in revenues, an 11.5 percent increase from 2018.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Egypt: Livestock and Products Annual

FAS Cairo forecasts Egypt's production (calf crop) in market year (MY) 2021 (January-December) at 1.94 million head.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Jordan: Grain and Feed Update

FAS Amman forecasts Jordan’s wheat imports in marketing year (MY) 2020/2021 to reach 900,000 metric tons (MT).
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Philippines: Grain and Feed Update

The dual crises of the COVID-19 pandemic and African Swine Fever have impacted the Philippine hog and chicken sectors, traditionally the strongest performers in the agricultural economy.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Philippines: Livestock and Poultry Update

Post expects a larger drop in pork production of 20 percent in 2020 as African Swine Fever remains a major concern in Luzon and parts of Mindanao.
On August 11, 2020, Egypt’s National Food Safety Authority (NFSA) released Decision No. 6/2020 – Rules Regulating Food Import Licensing, made effective the day following its publication...
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Saudi Arabia: Poultry and Products Annual

Chicken meat production is expected to continue to rise as the Kingdom pursues a goal of 80% self-sufficiency by 2025.
FAS Cairo (Post) forecasts Egypt’s wheat production in marketing year (MY) 2020/2021 (July-June) to reach 8.9 million metric tons (MMT), up by almost 1.5 percent compared to 8.77 MMT...