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Attaché Report (GAIN)

India: Cotton and Products Update

FAS Post estimates India’s marketing year (MY) 2019/20 cotton production at 29.3 million 480 lb. bales (37.5 million 170-kilogram bales/6.4 MMT) with a planting area of 12.5 million hectares.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Brazil: Oilseeds and Products Update

For the 2019/20 harvest, Post forecasts a modest soybean planted area expansion to 37 million hectares, up from 36.2 million hectares in the current season.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Panama: Food Processing Ingredients

Panama’s food processing ingredients market is valued at $110 million annually with U.S. products holding 60 percent of the market share.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Canada: Food Processing Ingredients

In 2018, Canada’s total food and beverage industry sector sales reached $87 billion.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Pakistan: U.S. Pulse Industry Visits Pakistan

A four-person U.S. pulse industry team visited Karachi during April 29-May 1 to attend the first U.S. pulses seminar, hold industry meetings, visit a processing facility....
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Bolivia: Soybeans Bolivia Adopts Biotechnology

The Government of Bolivia approved two new genetically engineered events for soybeans in April 2019.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Panama: FAIRS Export Certificate Report

The U.S-Panama Trade Promotion Agreement (TPA) entered into force on October 31, 2012.
Canada revised prescriptive beer compositional standards to better reflect and support a diversifying beer industry, while providing beer drinkers greater information about allergenic content.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Canada: Ontario Expands Alcohol Distribution

Implementing recommendations from a provincial beverage alcohol review, Ontario proposed nearly doubling the number of LCBO Agency Stores in underserved communities and adding 87 grocery store license
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Kazakhstan: Meat TRQs for Kazakhstan-2nd stage

On May 16, 2019, the second stage of Kazakhstan’s 2019 meat quotas were announced by the Kazakh Ministry of National Economy.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Brazil: Market Access Brief for Fruit Jelly

U.S. exporters often reach out to our office with questions about market access and Brazil’s import regulations, finding legislation confusing and not transparent.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Brazil: Market Access Brief for Chewing Gum

U.S. exporters often reach out to our office with questions about market access and Brazil’s import regulations, finding legislation confusing and not transparent.