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EU sugar production in MY 2019/20 is forecast at 19.4 million MT, up from 18.2 million MT in MY 2018/19 in which an enduring summer drought took a significant toll on beet growth....
On April 21, 2019, the Government of Algeria published a new ordinance revising the list of goods subject to the temporary additional safeguard duty (DAPs).
The following report updates a 2017 report regarding the overall picture of U.S. food and agricultural exports to Romania.
The Netherlands is increasingly becoming one of Europe’s leading importers and exporters of seafood products.
Estonia’s organic area accounts for 18 percent of its total agricultural area, the third highest in the European Union (EU).
Since the last submission of this report there have been significant changes effecting agricultural product quality, safety, and sanitary regulations.
The Office of Agriculture Affairs forecasts refined sugar production in MY2019/20 to increase by approximately 14 percent or 335,000 MT to reach 2.74 MMT.
Sugar beet production and planting area is forecast at 20.5 MMT and 340,000 ha in MY 2019/20, assuming favorable growing conditions similar to last year.
Austria has a very dynamic food scene. Austrian consumer trends are creating good market opportunities for organic, health, diet, convenience and ”sustainable” food products.
The UAE’s overall consumption of grain and feed is projected to grow moderately over the next year. FAS Dubai (Post) forecasts all UAE wheat imports in MY2019/20 at 1.6 million metric tons (MMT)....
France as a member of the European Community has implemented EU regulations for the import of animal and plant products.
On February 19, 2019, ASAJA, the Spanish Young Farmers Association, organized a protest at the headquarters of the European Commission in Madrid.