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Growth in Canadian production of milk, cheese, butter and skim milk powder will continue to slow down in 2019, as supply and demand for butterfat stabilize.
Peru maintains implementation of its 10-year moratorium on genetically engineered (GE) crops and a zero tolerance for GE events.
Wheat consumption in Haiti during Marketing Year (MY) 2018/2019 (July 2018/ June 2019) is forecast at 430,000 metric tons (MT).
El Salvador is the regional leader in the production and export of snacks, juices and carbonated beverages.
Chile offers excellent opportunities for U.S. food exports in the Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Food Service (HRI) sector.
Colombian Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew at 1.8 percent in 2017, slower than previous year growth rates, but still higher than other Latin American economies.
Argentine dairy production continues to recover after massive industry consolidation and weather damage in 2016 and 2017.
Grape production in Peru bounces back from an El Niño that damaged the crop in early 2017.
Ministry of Agriculture (MAG) has notified FAS that they will be accepting NOAA Certification for U.S. origin (grown and caught) seafood exported to El Salvador.
Chile’s fluid milk production has been stagnant in the last five years reaching nearly 2.1 billion liters in marketing year (MY) 2017.
The United States continues to be the main sourcing option for Colombian importers of corn and rice.
Post forecasts wheat exports in marketing year (MY) 2018/19 at 13.6 million tons, 600,000 tons lower than USDA. Due to tighter supplies, Post estimates barley exports for 2017/18 at 2.5 million....