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Attaché Report (GAIN)

Caribbean Basin: MAPPED: Caribbean Basin

Caribbean Basin > Aruba + Barbados + Cayman Islands + Curacao + Dominca + Grenada + Guyana + Saint Kitts and Nevis + Saint Vincent and the Grenadines + Saint Lucia + Trinidad and Tobago
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Turkey: MAPPED: Turkiye

Turkiye > Europe and Eurasia + Turkey
Attaché Report (GAIN)

South Korea: MAPPED: Korea - Republic Of

Korea - Republic Of > East Asia and the Pacific + South Korea
Attaché Report (GAIN)

United Kingdom: Sustainable Aviation Fuel in the UK

As part of a broad push towards reducing carbon emissions in the aviation sector, the newly elected Labour government is seeking to bolster the United Kingdom’s (UK) Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) industry, which builds on initiatives and policies...
On October 30, the Department for Business and Trade (DBT) extended over 220 voluntary tariff suspensions announced following the 2021 and 2023 application periods, through June 30, 2026. The announcement synchronizes multiple expiration periods...
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Thailand: Rice Price - Weekly

Rice export prices increased around 1 percent due mainly to the strengthening of the Thai baht.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Morocco: Technical Regulation on Seed Potatoes

This report contains the unofficial translation of the technical regulation on production, testing, packaging and certification of seed potatoes.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Morocco: Phytosanitary Control for Seed Potatoes

This report contains the unofficial translation of the phytosanitary control procedures for seed potato imports.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Morocco: Geographical Indications

This report includes an unofficial translation of Morocco's regulatory framework concerning agricultural labels, geographical indications, and appellations of origin, specifically Law No 25-06....
Attaché Report (GAIN)

India: Biofuels Annual

On June 4, 2018, the government released the document National Policy on Biofuels 2018, which proposed blend targets of E20 and B5 be met by 2030.
On August 29, 2018, the “Advisory Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms” of Japan’s Ministry of Environment held its second meeting to review recommendations made by the expert committee....
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Indonesia: Indonesia Expands Biodiesel Mandate

A weakening rupiah and increasing current account deficit have led the Government of Indonesia to expand the mandated 20 percent blending of biodiesel (B20) to non-Public Sector transportation.