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On May 23, 2018, Canada enacted a sweeping legislative update intended to improve Canadian grain shippers’ access to rail services and mitigate uncertainty caused by the expiration of regulations....
In order to maintain soybean processing at normal levels, Argentina is importing US soybeans for the first time in over two decades.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Argentina: Fresh Deciduous Fruit Semi-annual

For CY 2018, production of the two types of fresh deciduous fruit is forecast to decrease to 530,000 MT for apples and 530,000 MT for pears from official USDA estimates.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Argentina: Sugar Annual

While MY2018/19 Argentine forecast for sugar production and consumption maintain stable levels, exports plummet to 150,000 tons (raw value), due to stagnant production and lower beginning stocks.
Column chart comparing the change in value of U.S. agricultural exports before and after key trade agreements.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Argentina: Grain and Feed Annual

For marketing year 2018/19, Argentine wheat production is forecast at a historic high of 20 million tons driving record exports of 14.2 million tons.