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Attaché Report (GAIN)

South Korea: Exporter Guide

South Korea’s imports of American food and agricultural products in 2017 through September totaled $6.3 billion, up 25 percent from the same period of the previous year.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

United Arab Emirates: Yummex 2017

The USA pavilion was comprised of five U.S. companies, down from 10 in 2016. While U.S. exhibitors reported some promising leads, on-site and 12-month projected sales were nominal.
Charts and Graphs

Agricultural Exports Finish Strong in FY 2017

U.S. farm and food exports climbed eight percent in FY 2017, reaching the third-highest level on record.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

South Korea: Grain and Feed Update

Rice ending stocks are projected to decrease to 1.7 million metric tons (MMT) and 1.2 MMT in marketing year (MY) 2016/17 and MY 2017/18 respectively, as the Korean government has begun allowing....
Attaché Report (GAIN)

South Korea: Fresh Deciduous Fruit Annual

Although planted area for pears continues to decline in a trend that has continued since the year 2000, expected increased yields will result in an increase in pear production....