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In 2019, the Netherlands doubled its wood pellet imports to a new record of 1.22 million metric tons (MMT).
The Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) has suspended its inspections at a swine slaughterhouse in Groenlo after coronavirus (COVID-19) was detected among the workers...
Based on research conducted by the Dutch government, it is now believed that mink which were infected with the coronavirus (COVID-19) may have transmitted the virus to a farm employee.
Overall sales of the Dutch food retail industry have increased nine percent since the outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19).
Four fur farms in the Netherlands detected coronavirus (COVID-19) in mink, as well as in some cats residing at these farms.
Dutch hemp production occurs exclusively in the northeast part of the country, particularly in the province of Groningen where 69 percent of Dutch hemp is cultivated.
The Dutch Minister of Agriculture, Nature, and Food Quality has announced a €5 billion ($5.4 billion) package of structural measures aimed to reduce nitrogen emissions in the Netherlands.
The government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands has announced a number of financial support programs to help Dutch businesses that have been adversely affected by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
In 2016 milk deliveries in the European Union (EU) increased by an estimated 0.5 percent and are expected to only slightly increase in 2017.