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- (-) December 2017
- (-) May 2017
- (-) Thailand
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Export prices declined 1 to 2 percent due to a lack of new inquiries and the weakening of the Thai baht.
Export prices remain unchanged as a result of the lack of rice trading during the year-end holiday season.
Thailand has enacted several new regulations that restrict imports of feed and feed ingredients containing certain animal proteins.
White and parboiled rice export prices declined 1 percent from the previous week while fragrant rice prices increased by 1 to 2 percent.
Rice export prices did not change, except for fragrant rice prices which increased by 3 percent.
Thailand’s regulations restricting the cultivation of genetically engineered crops remain unchanged.
MY2017/18 cotton imports are expected to increase 3 to 4 percent as spinning mills used much of their cotton yarn inventory in MY2016/17.
Export prices increased 2 to 3 percent due to the strengthening Thai baht and strong export demand.
MY2017/18 cultivation for main-crop rice and corn is occurring much sooner than MY2016/17 cultivation due to favorable rainfall and sufficient reservoir levels.
Export prices further increased four to six percent, except for fragrant rice prices, which remained steady.
A 2016 Borlaug Fellowship Program Alumni has developed a dietary risk assessment spreadsheet that is now used in both the pesticide registration process and the establishment of pesticide maximum....
Export prices further increased two to three percent, except for fragrant rice prices which remained steady.