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On February 13, 2017, Russia notified to the WTO draft amendments to “The procedure of state sanitary-epidemiological supervision (control) at the customs border and at the customs territory....
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Poland: Forestry and Wood Products in Poland

Poland is among the countries with the largest forest area in Europe. The country is the 10th largest world producer and the fourth largest world exporter of furniture.
Turkey Removes Eligibility of Russian Commodities for Inward Processing Regime… Russia Amends a List of Banned Products of Turkish Origin… Minister Tkachyov States Priorities....
A key element of the EU's new promotion policy called "Enjoy! It's from Europe" is the adoption of annual work programs that set out strategic priorities for promotion measures....
GOR Moves VPSS Deputy Head to a Deputy Minister of Agriculture Position… EEC Council approved draft Agreement of the EAEU Member States on Circulation of Planting Seeds in the Eurasian Economic Union…
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Russia: Aquaculture Production Update

The Russian aquaculture sector currently is responsible for approximately four percent of Russia’s total fish production.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Romania: Forestry and Wood Products

The forestry sector is an important sector in Romania. The direct and indirect contributions to the wood industry for the economy reaches about 3.5 percent of GDP annually.
U.S. Ambassador to Romania visits a leading importer of U.S. dried fruits and nuts.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Costa Rica: US Beef Exports Are Growing

According to U.S. Customs data, U.S. exports of beef and beef products to Costa Rica reached a record $15.1 million in 2016 – significantly higher than the $1.7 million exported in 2009....
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Russia: Oilseeds and Products Annual

FAS/Moscow forecasts Russia’s 2017 production of three major crops (sunflowerseed, soybeans, and rapeseed) at 15.3 million metric tons (MMT), a two percent increase over last year.
Given the volatility in the Russian market (e.g., the economic situation in Russia, trade restrictions, etc.), annualized dairy production and consumption remains difficult to forecast in 2015.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Turkey: Cotton and Products Annual

Turkish cotton area and production are forecast to increase about 15 percent in Marketing Year (MY) 2017/18, as good returns and government support encourage production.