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Attaché Report (GAIN)

Russia: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

On June 29, 2017, the Government of the Russian Federation issued Resolution No. 770 “On Amending the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 839 of September 23, 2013”.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

EU-28: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

The EU’s complex and lengthy policy framework for biotechnology slows down and limits research, development, production and imports.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Turkey: Agricultural Biotechnology Update

Ever since Turkey published its Biosafety Law and implementing regulations in 2010, this legislation has continued to disrupt trade and Turkey’s domestic agriculture and food sectors.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Ukraine: Oilseeds and Products Update

Ukraine’s Ministry of Agriculture reported the MY2017/18 oilseeds harvest has concluded. Production levels were set as follows: sunflower seeds 15-percent lower compared to the previous....
This report should be read in conjunction with the EU-28 Food and Agricultural Import Regulations and Standards (FAIRS) report written by the U.S. Mission to the EU (GAIN report E17080)....
On December 13, 2017, the European Commission, the Council and the European Parliament launched a joint online register of "delegated acts".
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Russia: Dairy and Products Annual

For the first time in at least a decade, milk production became more profitable on average than poultry or grain production in Russia.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Iceland: Review of Agricultural Tariffs

On September 17, 2015, Iceland and the EU reached an agreement to reduce agricultural tariffs and increase meat and dairy quotas.
The European Livestock and Meat Trade Association (UECBV) published a report assessing the impact on the EU meat sector in the event a hard Brexit leads to application of WTO MFN tariffs....
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Turkey: Turkey Established a Halal Accreditation Authority

The Turkish government established a new Halal Accreditation Authority (HAK) on November 18, 2017.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Spain: Retail Foods

In Fiscal Year (FY) 2017, Spain imported $1.7 billion worth of agricultural, fish and forest products from the United States.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Ukraine: Retail Foods Report

The Ukrainian food retail industry is growing slowly in the post-crisis period. The share of unorganized trade remains high.