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Attaché Report (GAIN)

South Korea: 2016 Potato Update

2015 Korean potato production decreased eight percent to 546,000 metric tons (MT) from 591,000 MT in 2014.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

United Kingdom EU: Crop Update

The EU grain harvest is now under way in most Member States.
Slovakia took over its first ever European Union (EU) Council Presidency on July 1, 2016.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

EU-28: EU Biofuels Annual

In 2015, the European Commission (EC) officially introduced a seven percent cap on food based biofuels thus limiting future production of these first generation or conventional biofuels....
Attaché Report (GAIN)

South Korea: Grain and Feed Update

Notable updates for MY 2016/17 include an increase in Korean wheat consumption to 4.9 Million Metric Tons (MMT), due to anticipated increases in consumption of competitively-priced feed grade wheat.
With climate change and air pollution at the forefront of environmental concerns, Bioethanol is a proposed solution in addressing these issues.