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A new presidential decree has raised import tariffs for 364 tariff lines, of which 53 lines pertain to food and agricultural products.
In MY2016/17, Post forecasts total orange exports to increase by 5 percent or 70,000 MT to 1.520 MMT compared to 1.450 MMT in the previous year. FAS Cairo attributes this increase...
On October 20, 2016, the Egyptian Ministry of Environment (MOE) submitted a new draft biosafety bill to the cabinet. The bill is currently being cleared by the cabinet’s Judicial Reform Committee...
MY 2016/17 seed cotton production from the selected West African countries (Burkina Faso, Mali, Cote d’Ivoire, Chad, and Senegal) could reach 1.9 million tons (3.6 million bales)...
News on developments in agriculture and food in Egypt.
Egypt’s total fish production totaled 1.560 MMT in 2015 versus 1.482 MMT in 2014. The 5.26 percent increase was driven by an 8.2 percent increase in aquaculture production of 1.230 MMT...
News on developments in agriculture and food in Egypt.
Sugar shortages have been widely reported over the last few weeks in most of Egypt’s governorates.
Post is revising downward its wheat import forecast for MY 2016/17 by about 3.4 percent to a total of 11.8 MMT.
Major General Mohamed Ali El-Shiekh was sworn in as the new Egyptian Minister of Supply and Internal Trade.
News on developments in agriculture and food in Egypt.
n 2017, calf crop production is expected to remain stable at 1.850 million head. Beef production is projected to increase by 3.6 percent to 370,000 MT.