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Attaché Report (GAIN)

Caribbean Basin: Exporter Guide

Import-friendly Caribbean islands gobbled up $1 billion in U.S. consumer-oriented foods and fish products in 2015, capping over a dozen years of steady growth in U.S. exports to the region...
Attaché Report (GAIN)

EU-28: European Commission Work Program 2017

The European Commission's Work Program for 2017 does not contain any specific legislative initiatives in the field of agriculture.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

EU-28: FAIRS Country Report

This report provides an overview of EU food and feed legislation currently in force.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

EU-28: EU Wine Policy Report

The EU remains the world's largest wine producer despite lower production levels in 2016 compared to 2015. U.S. exporters should be aware that specific wine labeling rules...
Attaché Report (GAIN)

EU-28: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

In the European Union (EU), consumers, governments, industry, non-governmental organizations, and the media remain conflicted about the use of agricultural biotechnology.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

EU-28: Citrus Annual

MY 2016/17 EU-28 citrus production is projected to reach 11MMT, meaning a growth of 3.3 percent when compared to MY 2015/16 mainly due to a 20 percent higher citrus production expected in Spain...
Charts and Graphs

Infographic: U.S. Agricultural Exports, FY 2016

Infographic highlighting the total exports, top destinations, and top commodities for U.S. agricultural exports in 2016.
Exporters shipping whey protein food supplements to the EU should be aware that EU Importing Countries’ Inspectors at EU Border Inspection Posts (BIPs) will check if the consignment is shipped...
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Caribbean Basin: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

Biotech regulations have been virtually non-existent in the Caribbean. However, that may change in the years ahead as 12 Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries move forward with a United Nations...
International Agricultural Trade Report

Cranberries: No Longer Just an American Tradition

American cranberry farmers are in the homestretch of the harvest season in what looks to be another banner year for U.S. cranberry production.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

EU-28: Potatoes and Potato Products Annual

Driven by a higher potato production in MY2014/15, EU exports of frozen potato products are expected to be up.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

EU-28: Fresh Deciduous Fruit Annual

EU-28 commercial apple production in MY 2016/17 is estimated at 11.3 MMT, a two percent decrease compared to the previous year, as weather related dramatic losses in Central-East EU...