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Kenya’s progress in agricultural biotechnology has suffered a setback after the National Assembly’s Agriculture committee recommended that a new food safety law...
Ghana’s National Biosafety Authority remains on track in strengthening its capacity to provide required supervisory services to relevant stakeholders under its watch.
FAS/Nairobi forecasts Kenya's coffee production to increase to 700 thousand bags in the marketing year (MY) 2016/2017 after a decrease in 2015/2016 that is attributed to the El Nino weather conditions
FAS/Nairobi forecasts a decrease in Kenya’s sugar production in the marketing year (MY) 2016/2017 as cane farmers move to produce other products such as dairy and horticulture.
FAS/Nairobi forecasts a marginal increase in corn production in Kenya in the Marketing Year (MY) 2016/2017 because of Government of Kenya (GOK) and county governments’ support to farmers.
This report compliments the FAIRS Country Report, and updates on certificates that are required by the Government of Kenya (GOK) to export food and agricultural products into Kenya.
This report updates technical import requirements and regulations for food and agricultural products currently required by the Government of Kenya (GOK).
Ghana operates in a relatively free market environment. Trade and investment liberalization has been an integral part of Ghana’s economic reform program.
This report was updated December 7, 2015 and the areas updated are: Section II. Labeling Requirements were updated as indicated in the FDA Guidelines for the labeling of Pre-Packaged Foods...