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Attaché Report (GAIN)

Caribbean Basin: Exporter Guide

Import-friendly Caribbean islands gobbled up $1 billion in U.S. consumer-oriented foods and fish products in 2015, capping over a dozen years of steady growth in U.S. exports to the region...
Attaché Report (GAIN)

El Salvador: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

Even though there is no legal impediment to use of biotechnology, and genetically engineered (GE) corn field trials have been successfully completed, El Salvador's Ministry of Environment has still...
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Caribbean Basin: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

Biotech regulations have been virtually non-existent in the Caribbean. However, that may change in the years ahead as 12 Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries move forward with a United Nations...
International Agricultural Trade Report

Spotlight on Guatemala as Trade Flourishes Under CAFTA-DR

Since the United States entered into the CAFTA-DR trade agreement, U.S. agricultural exports to the six CAFTA-DR countries have more than doubled.
International Agricultural Trade Report

Free Trade Agreements and U.S. Agriculture

Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) help expand foreign markets for U.S. producers and exporters by reducing trade barriers, fostering a more stable and transparent environment for trade and investment...
Graphic illustrating the growth of U.S. agricultural exports in response to trade agreements over the past 70 years.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

El Salvador: Coffee Annual

El Salvador’s coffee production is expected to decrease to 501,000 sixty-kg bags in 2015/16 (October 2015 - September 2016), the second lowest harvest on record in the past two years.
International Agricultural Trade Report

A Review of U.S. Tariff Rate Quotas for Beef Imports

The United States is the world’s largest producer of beef but it also imports more beef than any other country.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

El Salvador: Sugar Annual

El Salvador's sugarcane planted area in 2015/2016 (Nov 2015-Oct 2016) is higher than in 2014/15 reaching approximately 81,000 hectares (ha).
Attaché Report (GAIN)

El Salvador: FAIRS Export Certificate Report

Sections Updated: Section I. List of all Export Certificates Required by Government and Section II. Purpose of Specific Export Certificate (s).
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Caribbean Basin: Manure – Not Your Average Success Story

St. Lucia’s establishment of certification requirements for dehydrated manure opened the door further for exports of U.S. animal products...
Attaché Report (GAIN)

El Salvador: Retail Foods

U.S. consumer oriented food products exports to El Salvador increased 13.7 percent during the 2013/2014 period, reaching a record $149 million in 2014.