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Attaché Report (GAIN)

Caribbean Basin: Exporter Guide

Import-friendly Caribbean islands gobbled up $1 billion in U.S. consumer-oriented foods and fish products in 2015, capping over a dozen years of steady growth in U.S. exports to the region...
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Algeria: Exporter Guide

Opportunities exist for U.S. agricultural products especially bulk commodities. Algeria has implemented measures to support intensive production, particularly in cereals and dairy.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Algeria: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

The Ministry of Agriculture’s decree of December 24, 2000 prohibits all imports, production, distribution, and commercialization as well as utilization of genetically engineered (GE) plant...
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Caribbean Basin: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

Biotech regulations have been virtually non-existent in the Caribbean. However, that may change in the years ahead as 12 Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries move forward with a United Nations...
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Algeria: H7N1 Found In Migratory Birds

Algeria reports an outbreak of H7N1 in Migratory Birds.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Algeria: Dairy and Products Annual

The Government of Algeria (GOA) continues its efforts to increase development in the dairy sector to reduce reliance on imports.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Algeria: Grain and Feed Update

According to the Ministry of Agriculture’s crop assessment, Algeria’s MY2016/2017 grain production reached 3.3 MMT compared to 4.0 MMT the previous year.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Algeria: Embassy Algiers Webinar Focuses on Agriculture

About 40 U.S. business representatives participated in a Direct Line webinar on agribusiness and agricultural sector opportunities in Algeria hosted by the U.S. Embassy in Algiers, Algeria.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Algeria: Grain and Feed Update

The Ministry of Agriculture foresees a slight decline in the MY2016/2017 grain production because of drought conditions and as result of a lack of rain in production areas of Algeria.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Algeria: Grain and Feed Annual

According to the FAO, early prospects for Algeria’s 2016 winter wheat and coarse grains crops are favorable benefiting from recent widespread precipitation in eastern Algeria.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Caribbean Basin: Manure – Not Your Average Success Story

St. Lucia’s establishment of certification requirements for dehydrated manure opened the door further for exports of U.S. animal products...