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Diligence on the part of local researchers and concerted efforts by various stakeholders in Ghana are yielding tangible results as the country is on the verge of commercializing its....
Occupying 28th position on the 2016 edition of the Global Retail Development Index by A.T Kearney, Ghana has finally broken into the top 30 countries with massive potential....
Post estimates that Ghana's 2017 broiler meat production will reach 35,000 tons, supplying less than 25 percent of demand.
In this year’s FAIRS Report, Post is providing information on the regulations and procedures for the importation of food and agricultural products to Ghana.
Ghana’s National Biosafety Authority remains on track in strengthening its capacity to provide required supervisory services to relevant stakeholders under its watch.
Ghana operates in a relatively free market environment. Trade and investment liberalization has been an integral part of Ghana’s economic reform program.
This report was updated December 7, 2015 and the areas updated are: Section II. Labeling Requirements were updated as indicated in the FDA Guidelines for the labeling of Pre-Packaged Foods...