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- (-) September 2015
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AgTradeNews is an FAS/Pretoria newsletter that focuses on trade opportunities in Southern Africa.
Post organized the training schedule for a 12 member delegation from Pakistan who were part of a United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) funded capacity development program in South Africa...
As a result of FAS Lima’s updated contact database, coordination and support of the USDPL Trade Mission during January 2015, Peruvian importers report buying 30 percent more thus far in 2015.
Over the past two decades, steady economic growth and increased average income in South Africa resulted in the rapid expansion of meat consumption.
Bt corn and Bt cotton will likely be the first ever genetically modified crops to be cultivated in Kenya if the National Biosafety Authority (NBA) approves applications submitted...
Ethiopia released a summary of its forthcoming Livestock Master Plan (LMP), which is the governmental blueprint for directing the continued transformation of the country’s livestock sector
As initially forecasted in April 2015, C3+2 countries produced 3.5 million bales (1.8 million tons) of seed cotton in MY2014/15 (Aug/July).
The purpose of this report is to inform U.S. companies about the export opportunities offered by various health-oriented markets in South Africa.
The Government of Cote d’Ivoire having finally adopted the Cartagena Protocol in June 2015, is drafting the biosafety law for Parliament approval.