Maderera Andina, a Peruvian lumber importer and wholesaler of U.S. engineered wood products, is stimulating its use in the Peruvian market.
FAS Lima and the Foreign Commercial Service (FCS) joined forces to support the Enterprise Trade Florida Mission, which took place during April 24 to 25, 2015.
Under USDA’s Food for Progress Program, USDA and ACDI/VOCA are working together to support the development of Ethiopia’s livestock feed sector...
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Ethiopia: FAIRS Country Report

Ethiopia’s food safety regime is in the process of transitioning to become a more modern and effective system.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Ethiopia: Coffee Annual

MY15/16 production is forecast at 6.508 million bags (390,500 metric tons), slightly under the record levels expected during the previous year.
Under USDA’s Food for Progress Program, USDA and ACDI/VOCA are working together to support the development of Ethiopia’s livestock feed sector...