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Attaché Report (GAIN)

Venezuela: Sugar Annual

The Venezuelan sugar industry expects domestic sugar production to drop in MY 2015/2016, constrained by price controls and limited foreign exchange to import raw sugar.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Dominican Republic: Sugar Annual

During Marketing Year 2014/2015 (MY 2014/15) Post projects overall sugar production of 540,000 Metric Tons (MT), down from 561,324 MT produced during MY 2013/14.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Dominican Republic: Grain and Feed Annual

Wheat consumption in the Dominican Republic during MY 2015/16 is forecast at 390,000 MT, with imports remaining strong at 520,000 MT.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Venezuela: Grain and Feed Annual

The lack of agricultural inputs, price controls and rising production costs continue to negatively impact agricultural production in Venezuela.
The Dominican Government (GoDR) has implemented policies to foster the production and stability of the rice market.