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Attaché Report (GAIN)

Japan: Beef Jerky is Back in Tokyo!

After an absence of more than eleven years, the first shipment of U.S. processed beef products arrived in Japan on March 4, 2015.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Japan: The WASABI - Hot News from Japan Vol. 11 Issue 3

ATO Tokyo Sponsors the USA Pavilion at FOODEX JAPAN 2015; Ambassador Kennedy Observes Silkworms for Genetically Engineered Application...
Implementation has begun on the International Strategic Bulk Port Project, designed to improve strategically important port facilities in order to reduce ocean transportation costs.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Peru: Oilseeds and Products Annual

Peru is the largest fishmeal exporter in the world.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Japan: Grain and Feed Annual

The Japanese feed industry relies almost entirely on imported grains.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Japan: Japan to Implement GI system on June 1, 2015

The “Act for Protection of Designated Agricultural, Forestry and Fishery Products and Foodstuffs” is scheduled to be implemented on June 1, 2015.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Peru: Grain and Feed Annual

U.S. corn exports to Peru sky-rocketed in CY 2014 to a record 1.7 MMT valued at $432 million.
Iowa Meat Mission Learns Latest Status of Japan’s Beef and Pork Markets; The 20th Ushiwaka’s U.S. beef Renaissance in Kyoto; Citrus Visit to Ehime
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Japan: Food Service - Hotel Restaurant Institutional

This is an updated guide to Japan’s $303 billion hotel, restaurant and institutional (HRI) food service market.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Japan: Food Processing Ingredients

The Food Processing Sector in Japan remained stable in 2013, and the United States is still an important supplier.
The Andean Community of Nation's (CAN) issued Resolution 1762 on February 8, 2015, establishing that Ecuador is not authorized to impose import safeguards for goods originating from Peru and Colombia.
Peru’s calendar year (CY) 2015 pea and lentil imports are forecast at 73,000 metric tons (MT), up 16 percent compared to 2014.