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Attaché Report (GAIN)

Paraguay: Livestock and Products Annual

Post projects 2022 Paraguayan beef production to reach 570,000 tons carcass weight equivalent, as a projected smaller slaughter is expected to reduce beef production by 40,000 tons from 2021.
2021/2022 Paraguayan soybean production is projected at 10
In marketing year 2020/21, wheat production is forecast up to 1
International Agricultural Trade Report

EU-MERCOSUR Trade Agreement: A Preliminary Analysis

On June 28, 2019, the European Union became the first major partner to strike a trade agreement with the Southern Common Market (or MERCOSUR) countries of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Paraguay: Oilseeds and Products Annual

2015/16 Paraguayan soybean area is forecast at 3.6 million hectares, a nine percent increase in soybean area compared with 2014/15 estimates, based on expanded area for second crop soybeans.